Difference in shipping costs between eBay and PrestaShop

Difference in shipping costs between eBay and PrestaShop

On eBay, each item has its own delivery costs: the delivery costs of each product in the basket are added together.
For example:
Product A, unit shipping cost > 5.
Product B, unit shipping cost > 3.
Total shipping costs > €8

In addition, eBay allows you to define different shipping costs for the same item if it is ordered in multiple units.
For example:
Product A, unit shipping cost > €5
additional shipping cost per item > 1 €.

The order with two Products A, will show a delivery price of 6 € (5+1).

Calculation of delivery costs following a sale on PrestaShop.

PrestaShop calculates the shipping costs on the cart content, depending on the configuration:
- according to the total weight of the cart
- or according to the total amount of the cart.

It will therefore be possible to define delivery costs as in the example:
Up to 1 Kg > €5.
Between 1 Kg and 5 Kg > €10

For a basket amount up to 49 € > 10 €.
For a basket amount equal or superior to 50 € > 7 €.

Difference in shipping costs

This difference means that the average price of an eBay shopping cart is often higher than the average price of a PrestaShop shopping cart.
Especially in the case where the rules specified on PrestaShop reduce the shipping costs in proportion to the order amount.
In fact, many merchants apply the rule that the larger the order, the cheaper the shipping.

For this reason, some merchants find it more profitable to sell on eBay than on PrestaShop. Selling on eBay is more profitable because of the amount of shipping costs per item.

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