Refund of a PayPal order

Refund of a PayPal order

This article refers to version 5.x of the PayPal module for PrestaShop

Automatic refund of an order from the Back office of PrestaShop

The standard configuration of the PayPal module automatically manage refunds based on order status.

If an order placed with PayPal is set to "Refunded" status in the Back office, the module will automatically refund the full amount to the buyer.
The refund will also be synchronized to the merchant's PayPal account.

This behavior is standard after module installation.

Set up manual refund via PayPal account.

If, for some reason, the merchant does not want to trigger the refund automatically, it is possible to change this behavior.
On the module configuration page, click on the "Experience" tab.
In the "Advanced mode" section, activate the option "Customize your order status".

After that, new options will be displayed.

To disable automatic refund, set the "Order Status for triggering the refund on PayPal" option to "No action".

Save Changes.

After this change, orders that change to "Refunded" status will no longer be automatically refunded. The refund will have to be done from the PayPal account.

PayPal webhook

In the "Advanced mode" section, the "Enable PayPal webhooks" option is also visible. This allows you to synchronize the actions performed on the PayPal account with the PrestaShop back office.
If the merchant prefers to refund orders directly from the PayPal account, the webhook can synchronize the action on PrestaShop.

For instance :
- the order on PrestaShop is in "Payment accepted" status
- the merchant refunds the order via the PayPal account
- the order automatically switches to "Refunded" on PrestaShop through the the webhook

Activate the option if you prefer to manage your orders on your PayPal account rather than on PrestaShop.
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