Zendesk module will become chargeable from septembre 1st 2024

Zendesk module will become chargeable from septembre 1st 2024

Zendesk has decided to discontinue its PrestaShop connector. However, after being in charge of this connector for years, we at 202 ecommerce, have decided to continue maintaining the connector.

Starting September 1st 2024, the connector will cost 25 € per month up to 3 agents, then 5 € per agent per month. Until September 1st 2024, the connector will be maintained for free and an upgraded version of the connector will be released, which will allow merchants to subscribe. Subscription will be possible via Build For PrestaShop or via a direct subscription on 202 ecommerce site.

After September 1st 2024, synchronization between PrestaShop and Zendesk will be stopped for non-subscribed merchants, no matter which version of connector is used.

The switch to subscription-based model will come with a new feature roadmap on the connector, like multishop support.

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